Calendar July 23, 2018 05:11


Substance abuse is a serious public health concern. This study aimed to examine the frequency of illicit drug use with respect to gender, age, years of substance use, and illicit psychoactive substance use pattern among persons who underwent urine drug screening in the Turkey a mental health hospital between 2015 and 2016. All of the urine samples were analyzed in the hospital’s Center Clinical Laboratory. Results of the urine drug screenings were retrospectively obtained from the laboratory information system. The prevalence of substance abuse was as follows: amphetamine/ecstasy – 615 (9.2%), cannabis – 1659 (24.8%), opiates – 602 (9.0%), cocaine -54 (0.8%), and benzodiazepine – 527 (7.9%). Cannabis and opioid use were significantly higher in males than in females (p<0.001, p<0.001). There were 719 patients who used a combination of drugs. In almost all drugs, the prevalence of abuse is higher in the <20 and 20-29 age groups than other groups. 

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Posted July 23, 2018 05:11

Calendar July 23, 2018 05:07



Aluminium ions exert their effect primarily on the root systems and decreased shoot growth is believed to be a later occurring effect. However, the effects on the aerial parts are not well documented. In our attempt to find a visible marked change of characters, an oil-yielding plant,Brassica juncea was grown in Al-applied soil (100-1000 µg g-1) at 4.5-5.0 pH. The aerial symptoms included inter alia purple patches in leaf margins, panicle collapse, but of interest was a change in colour of flowers from yellow to white in a few plants. Seeds produced by the white flowers were sown in the next generation and the results have been discussed.

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Posted July 23, 2018 05:07

Calendar July 23, 2018 05:04



Two species of Prostigmatid mites belonging to Nematalycidae were recorded newly for the first time from Japan, from the tree-plantation with soil surface covered with mosscushion at Zoukus Agriculture Station in Yokuchi city (Mie prefecture).

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Posted July 23, 2018 05:04

Calendar July 21, 2018 04:48


In the present paper an attempt has been made to see an association, if any, in TB patients with respect to ABO & Rh (D) blood groups, based on a sample of 133 TB patients attending the OPD of local Government T.B. Hospital at Patiala, Punjab.

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Posted July 21, 2018 04:48

Calendar July 21, 2018 04:45


Biologically the man owes his virtues to all other species as well. Modern molecular studies have proved beyond doubt that we have inherited copies of genes from different organisms over several hundred millions of years. Humans in the mirage of progress on the other hand have struggled for modernization by creating excessively nasty problems making "own lives" miserable. Lately, man-made global warming situations have arisen in such a way that future is becoming illusive every day." The Man is digging his own trap for elimination?. We have realized that gaseous emission-forms have harmed our biology and environment particularly over 40 years. Water level in seas has risen; temperature fluctuations are too common, migratory birds are changing schedules and natural weather timetable has shifted. This is nearing last time to recover and scientifically enrich forest and fresh water aquatic ecosystems along with monitoring our sea water resources. The sea water-culture concept outlined here can be of universal importance.

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Posted July 21, 2018 04:45

Calendar July 21, 2018 04:16


In the homosporous ferns, sex determination is delayed until spore germination. Published data reveal a wide variety of adaptations that help avoid intragametophytic selfing, despite the potential bisexuality or hermaphroditism of their gametophytes. The major developmental adaptation appears to be asynchronous germination of spores, originating even from a single sporophyte. Several studies have entertained the possibility of differential capacities of fern spores as a causative factor, suspecting some kind of a "genetic" basis for such inequality.

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Posted July 21, 2018 04:16

Calendar July 21, 2018 04:12


Coleochaete divergens is being reported for the first time from India.

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Posted July 21, 2018 04:12

Calendar July 21, 2018 04:09



The laboratory and clinic indices demonstrate that nonbuffered glutamic acid in contrast to sodium hydroxide buffered glutamic acid has been able to save sheep from ammonia toxicity induced via p.o. administration of urea.  In this article we have tried to explain the mechanism of this preventive action of glutamic acid.

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Posted July 21, 2018 04:09

Calendar July 20, 2018 02:25


Anatomy is described of petrified woods of Dryoxylon Schleiden collected from the Neogene rocks of Bikaner. These are grouped into four species on the basis of distribution of vessels, parenchyma and nature of wood rays. Comparision is made with the allied extant texa of angiosperms.

Keywords :Neogene, Angiospermous woods, Western Rajasthan.

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Posted July 20, 2018 02:25

Calendar July 20, 2018 02:05


Methy1 Isocyanate gas (and other) liberation in Bhopal has resulted into chromosome aberrations (somatic) in some patients who inhaled the gas in midnight of 2nd December 1984. The patients who have deep seated suffocation and chest pain have shown relatively higher number of foetal cells,  if present,  than expected in normal adult haemoglobin. Multidisciplinary studies are in progress.

Keywords :UCG Tragedy after effets,  MIC toxicity, Cytotoxicity testing,  haemoglobin damage.

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Posted July 20, 2018 02:05

Calendar July 20, 2018 02:03


Endopolyploidy has been reported in the tapetal cells of two species of the family Scrophulariaceae.  This phenomenon has been observed for the first time in this family.  The occurrence of high level of ploidy in such tissue substantiates their role in pollen development.

Keywords :Endoploidy,  Endoploidy in Scrophu-lariaceae.

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Posted July 20, 2018 02:03

Calendar July 20, 2018 02:00


Reciprocal hybridization was brought about from two pure breeding varieties of Vigna radiata Wilczek (2n == 24) and V. mungo (L.) Hepper (2n = 22).  The F1, generation with 2n = 23 chromosomes was more after the male parent. It was also found to be infertile, thanks to anomalous meiosis. Colchicine treated hybrid progeny showed a progressive improvement in fecundity.  Among the hybrids thus obtained, some are aneuploids,  a few others amphidiploids. C2, C3, and C4  generations exhibit cleavages in lateral leaflets, leading to pentafoliate condition.  The hybrid progeny happen to possess such novelties as greater adaptiveness, staggered fruit bearing and harder seeds.

Keywords :Colchiploidy, Breeding Vigna

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Posted July 20, 2018 02:00

Calendar July 20, 2018 01:58


The crude extract of Artabotry's odoratissimus leaf, known to be an antifertility agent,  when orally administered to Rattus norvegicus caused alterations in the total DNA, RNA and lipid content in tissues and induced clastogenic effects in bone marrow cells modified to a significant extent with the introduction of oil in the diet of the animals.

Keywords :Chemical Cytotoxicity,  Leaf extract on Rat Chromosomes

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Posted July 20, 2018 01:58

Calendar July 19, 2018 03:03


On the basis of SEM and LM studies two new species of a fossil megaspore genus Talchirella Pant and Srivastava 1961, Treticulata n. sp. and T. macroverrucata n. sp. are described from the Lower Gondwana (Lower Permian) of Jamuna Coalfields, Shahdol District, Madhya Pradesh.

Keywords :Talchirella, Fossil megaspore, Lower Permian, Iower Gondwana Megaspores, Biostratigraphy.

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Posted July 19, 2018 03:03

Calendar July 19, 2018 03:00


Two unrelated children born from mothers with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and treated with 1400 mg of prednisone during pregnancy were studied. Since birth they showed a similar pattern of clinical findings including low birthweight, respiratory distress, growth delay, brachycephaly, broad forehead, hypoplasic face, ocular hypertelorism, telecantus,severely depressed nasal bridge, short bulbous nose, anteverted and short nostrils, broad philtrum, micrognathia, low set and displastic cars and hypoplastic nails. Psychomotor retardation and recurrent pulmonary infections in early infancy were noted.

The pattern of malformations observed in the patients here described could represent the teratogenic effects of prednisone in human newborns.

Keywords :Craniefacial malformations; growth delay; low-birthweight; maternal systemic lupus erythematosus; prednisone; psychomotor retardation; pulmonary infections; respiratory distress; teratogenic effects.

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Posted July 19, 2018 03:00

Calendar July 19, 2018 02:55


An anthropometric data on 50 males and 50 females of Manne Dora tribe inhabiting the plain areas of Visakhapatnam District,  Andhra Pradesh is presented,  in order to know the inter and intra population variations.  Mean of standard deviation and coefficient variation with corresponding standard errors are calculated for 18 measurements and 9 indices out of which 15 measurements and 5 indices show significant bisexual difference.

Keywords : Tribal anthropometry Physical Anthropology,  Manne Dora Tribe.

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Posted July 19, 2018 02:55

Calendar July 19, 2018 02:51


The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of chromosomal aberrations (CAs), sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and cell cycle kinetics in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) cultured in the presence of BrdUrd, in Vivo Methyl isocyanate (MIC) exposure from an overheated storage tank in Union Carbide, an agricultural chemical plant in Bhopal.

Though a slight increase in CA was observed but neither elevated SCE frequencies nor inhibition of cell cycling were evident in Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured from MIC-exposed survivors in Bhopal.Despite its apparent cellular toxicity and the capacity to affect chromosome structure, MIC is not much genotoxic as seen in PBLS examined in this study.

Keywords :Cytogenetics,  Lymphocytes,  MIC,  Chromosomal aberration, Sister Chromatid Exchanges,  Cell Cycle Kinetics.

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Posted July 19, 2018 02:51

Calendar July 19, 2018 02:49


Morphactins (methyl and butyl) and ethephon used drastically, reduced fertile tillers biological and grain yield in wheat. Reduction in grain yield is a manifestation of reduction in number of spike,  length of spike, seeds per spike and 100 grain weight. The chemicals,  on the other hand,  enhanced number of branches, biological yield, number of pods per plant and pod yield in groundnut.

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Posted July 19, 2018 02:49

Calendar July 18, 2018 03:35


Twenty-eight ecotypes of Anthephora ambulacea, and a collection each of A. nigritana  and Panicum maximum were compared for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na concentrations as well as for the feeding value parameters; predicted in vivodigestibility of the herbage, digestible dry matter yield, crude protein content, crude protein yield, the Ca: P ratio and the proportion of potassim to calcium and magnesium in the herbage, K/(Ca+Mg). Two growth stages were considered,  vegetative stage - two months after planting,  and reproductive stage - at 50% heading, three and a half months after planting.

Wide variations were observed in the mineral concentrations and in the other feeding value parameters among the ecotypes. There was a general decline in mineral concentrations except for Ca, and hence the feeding value of the herbage, from the vegetative to the reproductive stages.  However, since the values recorded for A. ambulacea compared favourably with those for Pmaximum, the use of Aampulacea as a major livestock feed in the tropics, is recommended.

Keywords : Ecotypes of Anthephora . Variations in mineral reqirement.

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Posted July 18, 2018 03:35

Calendar July 18, 2018 03:33


Two polymorphic systems, ABO blood groups and haptoglobin types, for 100 families with 281 living children from Patiala have been analysed to test the possible interaction between them.  The interaction was seen in: (a) mother-child combinations and (b) different mating classes.  Significant differences were seen in the ABO compatible and incompatible mother-child combinations. Hp1 gene frequency was high in the ABO incompatible combinations than the compatible.  Likewise when the different matings (H X W) were divided into ABO compatible and incompatible, there was an excess of Hp1 gene frequency in the ABO incompatible matings.

Keywords : ABO blood and haptoglobin types.  Hp1 gene frequency.  ABO incompatibility.

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Posted July 18, 2018 03:33